When a stick-in-the-mud is just getting out of bed, the women of Kirävüü have already completed their rugs.
If in everyday life the women of the Värska craft union Kirävüü help to keep alive the local Seto handicraft traditions, then for Seto Folk they have packed up their looms from the workshop and brought them outside to share with everybody. They have also brought along different elements of local Seto costumes to give a good start to jointly-woven Folk Rug.
The traditional rug weaving workshop has proven to be popular amongst hundreds of young and old knitters alike. There will probably be excited exclamations such as „Oh, my grandmother used to have a loom like this!“ and sentimental sighs suchs as „Oh I wish I knew how to loom knit…“. This is the chance to experience something truly exciting throughout all the three festival days, resulting in the Folk Rug 2017 that will have been knitted jointly by festival visitors!
Friday, June 16th at 18:00–20:00 Workshop area
Saturday, June 17th at 14:00–18:00 Workshop area
Sunday, June 18th at 12:00–15:00 Workshop area