Saturday, 29th June

At 17 Paddock Stage


Nagy Bögö plays post-traditional music. The pillars of their musical creation arethe folklore and the traditions, their source of inspiration the nature, home and friendship. Nagy Bögö starts with our own roots and ends up in Hungary, Bulgaria, in a fascinating symbiosis between the modern and old times or possibly in some completely unexpected place. The band is not afraid of putting together the opposites, crossing the boundaries and experimenting with traditional tunes on their musical journeys. The sizzling synergy between Nagy Bögö and the audience charges everyone with positive load that will last for a long time.


Karolin Übner – Estonian and Hungarian bagpipe

Katariina Tirmaste – flute, violin

Martin Vill – Bulgarian bagpipe, soprano saxophone

Jaan-Eerik Aardam – guitar

Mart Nõmm – double bass

Kevin Lilleleht – percussions