Saturday, 29th June

At 15 Paddock Stage


Since the band’s first concert in 2010, Kiiora has been playing century-old dance tunes and in time, more traditional music of neighbouring countries as well as finno-ugric nations. Today, more original compositions have made their way to the band’s repertoire and thus there is no difference between authentic tunes and modern compositions – enthusiastic music making makes people dance no matter the origin of the tunes. Kiiora has earned the nickname „Seto Sizzle Band” and they are equally faithful to traditions as well as creative freedom and wild ideas.

The name „Kiiora” originates from the Seto epic „Peko” , sung by Anne Vabarna. The mighty war club Kiiora was given to Peko (the King of Setos) by his father to win his enemies and also make rye grow on fields. Today, Kiiora is also the name of the reigning scepter of the ülemsootska of Setos.

During nearly ten years, Kiiora has given about 100 concerts in Estonia, as well as in Russia, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Finland. The debut album „Püdsäjüräjidõ pido” was released in Christmas 2012 and the second album „Rääräüss” in May 2018.

Matis Leima – fiddle, garmoshka, vocal

Margret Jürison – garmoshka, vocal

Laurits Leima – acoustic guitar, vocal